Hello, I’m Margo.

I know that as an artist I’m expected to write here a flowery description of what I do, preferably in third person and using the word ‘amalgamation’, but that’s not really me. If there is something to say, it can be said simply.

I find that the world knows very well how we, people, are supposed to be. How we should act and what we should like. I really tried to conform to those norms, and that left me nowhere. So now I am exploring the things that make me enthusiastic and hopeful as a person. And I don’t really care whether it’s something ‘out there’ or fairly typical.

I love creating things, I always did. And I feel compelled to make everything that comes to my mind, because if I don’t – the ideas would stop showing up. That’s why I have so many different themes and motives.

I don’t stick to one way of doing things – if an idea demands a new technique, I’ll learn it. I am both creative and very technical. The challenge of figuring things out keeps my work exciting.

I was always curious whether people would still connect with my art if I didn’t do ‘market research’, but simply went my own way. After 10 years of making art pieces and showing them to the world, I can say that they do.

My pieces resonate with creative people because they’re more than just objects—they’re a way to explore and express something personal.

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